Shift into a calm and vibrant experience of life by releasing the patterns keeping you stuck in anxiety and pain

Remote and in-person healing sessions with Jo Sanders, APP

Heal from the comfort of your home

Using a body, mind, and energetic balancing system, I help you release the protective patterns created by stress, trauma, and injury that you have been carrying for years, maybe even decades.

Specializing in remote healing, we work together via Zoom to create a safe dialogue with the inner experience of your mind-body systems. This verbal and somatic dialogue helps you discover the unmet needs behind the protective patterns that are holding you back and enables you to finally release their stifling grip.

The result: you are able to experience a more connected, vital, resilient, whole, and authentic life. You are more "at home" in your mind and body. You relate and create in ways that better serve the present-day YOU.

In-person sessions may also be available to clients on the Peninsula in the San Francisco Bay Area

What clients experience

"Healing and transformation can happen despite being thousands of miles apart! Working with such a calming, clear communicator in Jo, I've been able to dip below surface-level patterns and feel safe enough to restore my ability to feel more connected, present, alive, whole, and joyful. She has a wonderful presence that allows anyone to feel seen and heard, especially over the internet. I recommend her to anyone looking for a calm, clear place to start to unwind and reorganize themselves and their lives." KC, teacher, business owner

"Even at a distance, Jo creates a feeling for me of a cocoon of safety and acceptance through her grounded presence and calming voice. From this supportive space, I've felt able to explore my deeper truths. She helps me recognize patterns I would have otherwise missed. Through Jo's approach, I meet myself with more compassion and gain surprising new insights that I know I never could have reached alone. This process has also given me a greater appreciation for the power of distance healing. I highly recommend Jo's remote healing." TP, artist, wellness practitioner

Hi, I'm Jo Sanders

Until I experienced remote Polarity Therapy for my own healing, I was stuck in a constant cycle of fear, tension, anxiety, pain, and overwhelm. While I found talk therapy and massage critical in my healing journey, I continued to experience a lack of integration. Breakthroughs in talk therapy were undone by constant alarms of physical distress ringing in my body. Similarly, I found brief physical relief in massage and other bodywork only to have the tension and pain return in response to habitual mental and emotional patterns.

Polarity Therapy created the pathways for my mind and body to work together to heal old patterns and traumas. I'm now living a new, more joyful, and authentic life, including leaving a 30-year career in tech to devote myself to bringing this powerful healing modality to as many people as possible.

Contact me to explore if this work is right for you.


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I draw from training and experience in a variety of practices, including:

  • NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model) Informed Professional (training complete, pending certification)
